nick martin

Opening Reception October 21 - 7-9pm
Showing from October 21 - November 27.

Impossible Representation: Paintings of Nick Martin

The relationships I like to ask questions of are about memory, hope, and the desire for reconnection. When separated from these relationships we think about them, when reunited we desire to make them new. Faith builds this connection in the bonds of shared experience, and holds the possibility that what has happened will continue in some impossible way.

I paint to understand relationships. This group of paintings was made as a meditation on my friend and colleague Ben, as well as my relationship to painting. Both have aspects that make them familiar and foreign to me. When seen in the light of possibility they both stick flags in the dappled landscape of hope, so I can revisit and renew there.

Modern art focused on experimentation, connection, and hope in establishing shared languages. I'm interested in this starting point, and the discovery available in such engagement.







Art is a record of our culture. Sharing and collaboration are part of it's DNA. Our purpose is to encourage artists to create and share their work. Plus, we like to hang out. So come join us and experience the best art our area has to offer.